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Operations Management EdX Courses

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Operation management edX courses will help you to improve your skills as an operator. These courses are available free of charge through the IIMB. You will be able to increase your productivity, capacity and quality. The Course description will give you an overview of what you can expect.

Course description

This course will equip students with knowledge and tools to manage business operations and factors that impact them. It covers topics such as quality assurance, productivity, quality, supply chains management, and capacity. The course also covers the many strategies that can be used to optimize these components.

A discussion forum is included in the course. Participants can post questions and discuss course topics. This type discussion forum is common in online learning and facilitates peer learning. These forums are encouraged participation by students and staff. If a student has a question regarding the course, the discussion forum is the best place to ask it. Otherwise, students can check out the Help button located on the course page.

Course duration

An online course in Operations Management is offered by edX. The course provides participants with functions that help them increase productivity, quality control, and maximize capacity. The micromasters programme at edX offers this course. Candidates can complete the course in as little as five weeks.

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Over 160 lectures, more than 14 hours instructional videos and 20 assignments are included in the course. It aims to provide a solid education in Operations Management. The course covers basic and advanced concepts. Additionally, participants will learn the skills necessary to handle key business issues.

Course requirements

You should look into edX if you're looking to enhance your skills in operations manager. It is an online platform that partners with the IIBM Institute in order to offer an operation management certificate program. This program equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary to analyze any organization's operational performance. It covers the following key concepts: process analysis; service operations; quality management; and inventory management. Starting with process analysis tools, you will then learn how to use statistics as well as performance measures to determine the efficiency of service operation. Also, you'll learn about process control which allows for quality assurance in systems.

Operations management is a critical field that requires strong knowledge in supply chain management as well as quality assurance and productivity. This field is all about reducing costs and improving delivery. It also encourages flexibility and innovation. This course is ideal for students who want to expand their knowledge in the field and advance their careers.


An operations management certificate can give you the skills and knowledge you need to improve any organization's operational performance. The program covers core concepts in four key areas: process analysis and service operations, quality control, inventory management, as well as key concepts in the other three. It introduces you first to performance measures, statistical analysis, and inventory management. It also introduces you to process control, which is a tool for measuring the quality of systems or processes. The program ends with tools that will help you manage and optimize your operations.

The edX platform has online exams and course materials on a variety topics related to operation management. The course is available at any time and from any location. All you need is internet access. Once you've completed the course, you'll receive a certificate with IIM Bangalore logo. There is a small charge for the program and you can take as many courses or as you like.

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Course fees

There are several online and offline sources where you can take Operations management courses. While some websites offer free courses, others charge a fee. There are a variety of courses in operations management that range in length, from a few weeks to two years. The edX platform offers intuitive and well-organized navigation, which makes it easy and convenient to find a business associate and navigate through courses.

Depending on what course you take, edX can be as cheap as $50. Other courses can cost up to $300. It is significantly cheaper than a full masters degree which can run anywhere from $10K-25K. Each course includes a certificate and graded assignments.


What is a management tool to help with decision-making?

A decision matrix is an easy but powerful tool to aid managers in making informed decisions. It helps them think systematically about all the options available to them.

A decision matrix is a way to organize alternatives into rows and columns. This makes it easy to see how each alternative affects other choices.

This example shows four options, each represented by the boxes on either side of the matrix. Each box represents one option. The top row represents the current state of affairs, and the bottom row is indicative of what would happen in the event that nothing were done.

The effect of selecting Option 1 is shown in the middle column. In this example, it would lead to an increase in sales of between $2 million and $3 million.

The results of choosing Option 2 and 3 can be seen in the columns below. These are good changes, they increase sales by $1million or $500,000. They also have negative consequences. Option 2 increases costs by $100 thousand, while Option 3 decreases profits to $200 thousand.

The last column shows you the results of Option 4. This means that sales will decrease by $1 million.

The best part about using a decision matrix to guide you is that you don’t need to keep track of which numbers go where. The best thing about a decision matrix is that you can simply look at the cells, and immediately know whether one option is better or not.

This is because the matrix has already taken care of the hard work for you. It's as easy as comparing numbers in the appropriate cells.

Here's an example of how you might use a decision matrix in your business.

You need to decide whether to invest in advertising. You'll be able increase your monthly revenue by $5000 if you do. You will still have to pay $10000 per month in additional expenses.

Look at the cell immediately below the one that states "Advertising" to calculate the net investment in advertising. It's $15,000. Therefore, you should choose to invest in advertising since it is worth more than the cost involved.

What does "project management" mean?

We mean managing the activities involved in carrying out a project.

We include defining the scope of the project, identifying the requirements, preparing the budget, organizing the project team, scheduling the work, monitoring progress, evaluating results, and closing down the project.

What are the three basic management styles?

These are the three most common management styles: participative (authoritarian), laissez-faire (leavez-faire), and authoritarian. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses. Which style do yo prefer? Why?

Authority - The leader is the one who sets the direction and expects everyone in the organization to follow it. This style works well if an organization is large and stable.

Laissez faire - Each individual can decide for himself/herself. This style is most effective when the organization's size and dynamics are small.

Participative - The leader listens to ideas and suggestions from everyone. This approach works best in small organizations where everyone feels valued.

What are some common mistakes managers make?

Sometimes, managers make their job more difficult than it is.

They may not be able to delegate enough responsibility to staff or provide adequate support.

A majority of managers lack the communication skills needed to motivate their team and lead them.

Managers sometimes set unrealistic expectations of their teams.

Some managers may try to solve every problem themselves instead of delegating responsibility to others.

What is Six Sigma and how can it help you?

It's a method for quality improvement that focuses on customer service as well as continuous learning. The goal is to eradicate defects through statistical techniques.

Motorola created Six Sigma as part of their efforts to improve manufacturing processes in 1986.

The idea spread quickly throughout the industry, and today, many organizations are using six sigma methods to improve product design, production, delivery, and customer service.

What is the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership is all about influencing others. Management is about controlling others.

Leaders inspire followers, while managers direct workers.

Leaders inspire people to achieve success. Managers keep their workers focused.

A leader develops people; a manager manages people.


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  • Your choice in Step 5 may very likely be the same or similar to the alternative you placed at the top of your list at the end of Step 4. (umassd.edu)

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How To

How do you implement a Quality Management Plan (QMP)?

The Quality Management Plan (QMP) was established in ISO 9001. It is a systematic way to improve processes, products and services. It provides a systematic approach to improving processes, products and customer satisfaction by continuously measuring, analysing, controlling, controlling, and improving them.

QMP is a common method to ensure business performance. QMP is a standard method that improves the production process, service delivery, customer relationship, and overall business performance. QMPs should address all three dimensions: Products, Services, and processes. If the QMP focuses on one aspect, it is called "Process." QMP. QMP stands for Product/Service. The QMP that focuses on customer relationships is known as the "Customer" QMP.

Two main elements are required for the implementation of a QMP. They are Scope and Strategy. They are defined as follows:

Scope: This defines what the QMP will cover and its duration. This scope can be used to determine activities for the first six-months of implementation of a QMP in your company.

Strategy: This describes the steps taken to achieve the goals set out in the scope.

A typical QMP includes five phases: Design, Planning, Development and Implementation. Below is a description of each phase:

Planning: In this stage, the objectives of the QMP are identified and prioritized. All stakeholders involved in the project are consulted to understand their requirements and expectations. After identifying the objectives, priorities and stakeholder involvement, it's time to develop the strategy for achieving the goals.

Design: The design stage involves the development of vision, mission strategies, tactics, and strategies that will allow for successful implementation. These strategies are executed by creating detailed plans.

Development: Here, the development team works towards building the necessary capabilities and resources to support the implementation of the QMP successfully.

Implementation: This refers to the actual implementation or the use of the strategies planned.

Maintenance: It is an ongoing process that maintains the QMP over time.

Several additional items should be added to the QMP.

Participation by Stakeholders is essential for the QMP's continued success. They are required to actively participate in the planning, design and development of the QMP, as well as the implementation and maintenance phases.

Project Initiation: The initiation of any project requires a clear understanding of the problem statement and the solution. This means that the initiator should know why they want something done and what they hope for from the end result.

Time frame: The QMP's timeframe is critical. A simple version is fine if you only plan to use the QMP for a brief period. If you are looking for a longer-term commitment, however, you might need more complex versions.

Cost Estimation: Cost estimation is another vital component of the QMP. Without knowing how much you will spend, planning is impossible. It is therefore important to calculate the cost before you start the QMP.

QMPs are not only a document, but also a living document. This is the most important aspect of QMPs. It can change as the company grows or changes. It should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it is still meeting the company's needs.


Operations Management EdX Courses